
Showing posts from November, 2008

BNN: Successes in Conserving the Thick-billed Parrot

The ABC Bird Conservatory has made big strides in saving the Thick Billed Parrot. Thanks to their great efforts the thick Billed Parrot (TBP) has come back from the brink of distinction. The hope is to one day be able to reintroduce the TBP back into the United States, where it once lived in Arizona.
Ways to save Money , We're all looking for ways to save Time, money and Energy. Especially now with the Country's financial woes. What our futures hold only time will tell but for now, let me tell you some ideas I've found. Free Stuff: First of all there are tons of free items on the Internet , you just have to know where to look. Most States have a Free Cycle Site through Yahoo Groups and some also have, Cheap Cycles , where you can buy items no longer needed by people for a lower price than at the stores, normally, eg . just today i saw this ad on Akron Cheap Cycle (For Sale: V-Smile game console and 2 games $20.00) The game cartridges alone run anywhere from $15.00 to $20.00 in general. There is also a Free category on Craig's List. There are a lot of people who would rather give away unused items rather than throwing them away and letting them end up in a landfill somewhere. In turn there are people who need theses items that others don't want or use anymore....


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Win a Free Wedding Dress, Get a Free Wedding Website too!

House of Brides opened its doors in 1929 with its first brick-and-mortar store in Cicero, Illinois. House of Brides has since pioneered the bridal market to become the standard for all bridal retailers. Today, House of Brides has 6 Chicago land stores and 79 years experience in dressing brides and their wedding parties! So I got to thinking, winter is the season when a lot of "Brides To Be" are making their wedding plans. I've found a few resources to help you out. Who doesn't like free stuff? Well I found out that you can get a free website from House of Brides, Free Personalized Wedding Website to help you announce and keep track of your wedding plans. HOB ( House of Brides ) Has tons of templates for your wedding web page, for example. Spring, Summer, Vegas, Classic, etc. I'm sure you'll find something that strikes your fancy. HOB also has a search where your friends can enter your name to find your wedding website page. You can also enter to Win a F...