To sick to make $$$$$?? Never!
It's been a long week, Bob and I both home sick all week, trying to nurse each other back to health. (What a sh*t show, lol) Was I to sick to make a couple bucks? No but I was to sick to put any real effort in to it. Lucky for me, I've learned a few things. Like, let your smart phone on PC do the work for you, I make an easy $10.00 every month from Survey Savvy just for installing their App on my PC and on my smart phone. Each device you install the App on will net you $5.00 per month as long as you keep the app installed. Want to make even more money with Survey Savvy ? They have surveys available also. So you can easily make a few dollars a month with zero effort or do a few surveys and make even more. I have $7.00 in available surveys to take with them right now which I'll be getting to today now that I'm getting back to the land of the living. That's an easy $17.00 so far this month, provided I qualify for all available surveys. So, if you li...