To sick to make $$$$$?? Never!

 It's been a long week, Bob and I both home sick all week, trying to nurse each other back to health. (What a sh*t show, lol)
Was I to sick to make a couple bucks? No but I was to sick to put any real effort in to it. Lucky for me, I've learned a few things. Like, let your smart phone on PC do the work for you, I make an easy $10.00 every month from Survey Savvy just for installing their App on my PC and on my smart phone. Each device you install the App on will net you $5.00 per month as long as you keep the app installed. Want to make even more money with Survey Savvy? They have surveys available also. So you can easily make a few dollars a month with zero effort or do a few surveys and make even more. I have $7.00 in available surveys to take with them right now which I'll be getting to today now that I'm getting back to the land of the living. That's an easy $17.00 so far this month, provided I qualify for all available surveys.  

So, if you like easy money like I do, check out Survey Savvy
In my next post post I'll show you more ways to make money with little to no effort. You wont get rich but hey, who doesn't like extra money?


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