Survey Spot
So, I highly recommend Survey Spot, they do pay!
- The New Instant Win Game: Every time you take a survey you will qualify to play an Instant Win game with thousands of dollars in cash and prizes.
- The $25,000 Cash Sweepstakes: Earn entries into the $25,000 Cash Sweepstakes awarded every quarter.
- Cash Awards: Select surveys offer cash awards for completing the survey.
A: SurveySpot works with marketing research companies all over the world, helping them find out what consumer think about products, ideas and issues of the day.
SurveySpot uses respondents' personal information purely for research purposes. This is your opportunity to convey your views.
Q: How can I participate in online research?
A: To participate in online research with SurveySpot, you must be at least 18 years old. Click here to join. The registration process is short and simple.
Q: Can other members of my household also join SurveySpot?
A: We're sorry, only one email address per household may be used to join SurveySpot. The member who joins should be the person who wants to take most surveys. The good news is that other members of your family can still take SurveySpot surveys! Look for invitations asking for opinions from "the teen in your household" or "the male in your household" etc., and ask the appropriate family member if he or she would like to respond. Any rewards and prizes other family members earn will be added to your rewards account.
Q: Why do you need to ask me about myself?
A: Rest assured that your anonymity is guaranteed. SurveySpot uses the information on the registration form to assess demographic trends and invite you to the SurveySpot surveys that best match your interests. Click here to find out more about how the privacy of your information is protected.
SurveySpot supports the rights of our members by limiting the use of its information for legitimate marketing research purposes only. SurveySpot is active in supporting the following organizations created to uphold ethical survey research:
- Marketing Research Association (MRA).
- American Marketing Association (AMA).
- American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR).
- Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO).
- Advertising Research Foundation (ARF).
Q: What will you do with my personal information?
A: When you fill out a survey, SurveySpot uses your responses along with other participants' responses to inform clients about people's attitudes about their products or services. The registration information you fill out gives clients a general picture of what types of people filled out the survey: how many men versus women, average level of education, etc.
We use your e-mail address to send you invitations to participate in new surveys and to contact you with messages about the SurveySpot panel. We use your postal address to mail any survey-related incentives or product samples.
Q: What happens after I join?
A: We will send you an e-mail welcoming you to the panel. After that, we'll contact you periodically by e-mail to ask you to take part in a survey. The e-mail will contain all the information you need to participate, including the URL to visit to take the survey. When you take a survey, you'll have the opportunity to earn cash and win prizes.
Q: Do I have to pay anything to join?
A: No, membership is free. We will never ask you for money, or try to sell you anything. We are only interested in your opinions.
Q: How much time will this take?
A: The average survey will take 10 minutes or so to complete, and the questions are usually easy to answer.
Q: Will I get paid for this?
A: Some surveys offer payment; sometimes a sweepstakes or other prize is offered. Check your e-mail survey invitation for reward details.
Q: How will I know if I've won a Sweepstakes?
A: If you win a prize in our Instant Win game, you will receive details immediately to redeem your prize. If you win one of our sweepstakes, you will be notified by email and provided with all the details to redeem your prize. Please make sure your mailbox is not full or beyond its storage capacity so that you are able to receive your messages as this is the only way we contact winners.
Q: How do I get my prize or payment?
A: If you qualified and completed a survey that offered a cash award, your award will be added to your panelist account 4-6 weeks from the date you took the survey. Most members already have SurveySpot passwords, but if you haven't created a password yet, you will need one to access your account. Please click here to create a password.
Once you log in, click "Review Your Unclaimed Rewards." At the bottom of the page, click "Click here to request your eligible payments." From there, please follow the instructions to claim your reward.
Q: How do I activate my account?
A: When you created your password, you were sent an email with a link you must click on. This will activate your account. If you did not receive this email or no longer have this email, please make sure that is among your approved addresses in your spam filter. Once you've done that, you can return to the Members Area and click on "If you've forgotten your password, please click here." This will send you an email with the activation link in it. Please click on that link in order to activate your account. Please note that if you have more than one of these messages in your inbox, only the most recent one will work.
Q: What do I do if I forget my password?
A: If you've forgotten your password, you can go to the Members Area and click on "If you've forgotten your password, please click here." It will then prompt you for the email with which you are currently registered with SurveySpot and then email your password to that address.
Q: What if I don't want to do a particular survey?
A: We will never pressure you to complete a survey. Hopefully, you will be able to respond to the next survey.
Q: How can I change my registration information?
A: If you change your e-mail address or other information, you can easily make the change by logging into the Members Area and clicking on "review your panelist information".
If you wish to leave the panel and not participate in market research surveys, contact us.
Q: What if I have other questions not answered here?
A: Please click here for additional questions and answers; if you still can't find the answers to your questions, click here to send us your questions and comments.
SurveySpot was created by Survey Sampling International, partners with the world's researchers since 1977. To join, simply answer the questions below and we'll direct you to interesting research studies. There's no commitment, you can take as many surveys as you wish, and you can opt to leave at any time.
SurveySpot gives you three ways to earn Cash and Prizes for taking surveys:
- The New Instant Win Game: Every time you take a survey you will qualify to play an Instant Win game with thousands of dollars in cash and prizes.
- The $25,000 Cash Sweepstakes: Earn entries into the $25,000 Cash Sweepstakes awarded every quarter.
- Cash Awards: Select surveys offer cash awards for completing the survey.
(Australian residents can click here to join Survey Sampling's OpinionWorld.)
