Stop Ignoring the Impact of Coal Mining on Endangered Wildlife
I just used World Wildlife Fund's Conservation Action Network to urge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to stop ignoring the impacts of coal mining, including mountaintop removal, on our nation's threatened and endangered wildlife. I urge you to take action, too, at . Coal mining is devastating Appalachia and harming endangered aquatic life. Widespread and increasing mountaintop removal mining -- a form of mining in which entire tops of mountains are removed and the debris is dumped in valleys and sometimes directly into streams -- is despoiling hundreds of miles of rivers and streams within the Southeast Rivers and Streams ecoregion, which World Wildlife Fund has identified as one of the richest, rarest and most biologically important eco-regions in the world. A long-standing, overly general FWS "biological opinion" concluded that no coal mining operation an...