Earn Some Cash while You Tweet
twtAd is a relatively new site that pays you to tweet ads on Twitter. You need to have at least 25 followers to tweet the ads for twtAd. Yesterday it was 50 followers you needed but they have changed it to 25 to make it more accessible to everyone. Also you should only tweet the ads every couple days or not more than once a day to keep your Twitter account in good standing. You don't want to be accused of spamming. Although you can tweet the ads up to 3 times a day.
It's easy to tweet ads, you just find the one you'd like to tweet and click the link where it says "click here to tweet". You can also use more than one Twitter profile to publish ads through twtAd.
So far it looks like most twtAds pay $0.01 to $0.07 per ad clicked. Once you reach a balance of $20.00 you can request a payout. Payouts are made through PayPal. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can get one here, PayPal

You cannot post the ads outside of Twitter. The links generated at TwtAd are specially made for your Twitter profile(s). You are required to post these links to Twitter through their site. Any clicks coming from sites outside of your Twitter profile will be removed and you will be warned. You are also not allowed to send your friends to the links directly. You should only use Twitter to promote the ads.
you are not allowed to click your own ads. The system is setup to not count any clicks you have on your own ads, but they still suggest you do not do it. If we twtAds finds multiple clicks from your IP address that get through they will remove them from your account and give you a warning. (see end of article for update)
Your clicks/revenue will decrease if TwtAd finds that your link is getting clicks from outside of Twitter. You are only allowed to promote the offers via Twitter and any click coming from outside of Twitter is not allowed and you will not be paid for those clicks. If twtAds remove a click it will be discounted from your revenue/clicks for your stats for the day.
twtAd also has a referral program that lets you earn 20% of your referrals earnings for life! Yes for life, as long as they remain with twtAd, you'll earn 20% of what they earn. You can check out the twtAd referral program here, twtAd referral program
According to twtAd, you may now click your own link which counts as a click but does not pay you for that click. It is just for convenience to see the landing page for the link.
It's easy to tweet ads, you just find the one you'd like to tweet and click the link where it says "click here to tweet". You can also use more than one Twitter profile to publish ads through twtAd.
So far it looks like most twtAds pay $0.01 to $0.07 per ad clicked. Once you reach a balance of $20.00 you can request a payout. Payouts are made through PayPal. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can get one here, PayPal
You cannot post the ads outside of Twitter. The links generated at TwtAd are specially made for your Twitter profile(s). You are required to post these links to Twitter through their site. Any clicks coming from sites outside of your Twitter profile will be removed and you will be warned. You are also not allowed to send your friends to the links directly. You should only use Twitter to promote the ads.
you are not allowed to click your own ads. The system is setup to not count any clicks you have on your own ads, but they still suggest you do not do it. If we twtAds finds multiple clicks from your IP address that get through they will remove them from your account and give you a warning. (see end of article for update)
Your clicks/revenue will decrease if TwtAd finds that your link is getting clicks from outside of Twitter. You are only allowed to promote the offers via Twitter and any click coming from outside of Twitter is not allowed and you will not be paid for those clicks. If twtAds remove a click it will be discounted from your revenue/clicks for your stats for the day.
twtAd also has a referral program that lets you earn 20% of your referrals earnings for life! Yes for life, as long as they remain with twtAd, you'll earn 20% of what they earn. You can check out the twtAd referral program here, twtAd referral program
According to twtAd, you may now click your own link which counts as a click but does not pay you for that click. It is just for convenience to see the landing page for the link.